A mixed show of paintings, jewellery, prints, ceramics. Featuring work by Alexander Appleby, Tina Balmer, Sarah Jane Bellwood, Fiona Clucas, Helen Dessent, Amy Douglas, Judy Dwyer, Katie Edwards, Susan Fletcher, Angie Flynn, Christian Funnel, Jan Huntley-Peace, Ann Johnson, Emily Jolley, Jo Lamb, Julie McCann, Faye Moorhouse, Annie Sherburne, Annie Luke Turner and Rosie Wates

Assorted creatures in the wonderful jewellery of Annie Sherburne, Amy Douglas' amazing interventions and re-creations using broken ceramics, and Faye Moorhouse's fab print of a pile of dogs. A few of the delights that are on offer - beauty and humour. And there's more here below - come into the Menagerie:

Some of the bejewelled beasts in the gallery - broaches and earrings

'A statement earring is always a conversational piece'

Some of the bejewelled beasts in the gallery - broaches and earrings